Elizabeth was Prtestant but let people pray how they wanted.Her father broke away from the church which made a BIG difference to her reign with religion. Her sister Queen Mary I, was going to but she died. However Elizabeth kept it as it was a Catholic/Protestant church without the papacy!And she did get on with the church 4/5 times.
Ginger / Red in a neat afro
There was a Queen, Elizabeth 1
Queen Elizabeth 1 was ruling in the Elizabethan era when the spanish attacked england
He was a Christian, being because he was King of England, and the main religion was Christendom.
Elizabeth I established as the official religion a Protestant church that became the Church of England. ANGLICAN CATHOLIC ANSWER Apart from the Republican experiment between 1642 and 1660, The Religion of England has always been Catholic! Not Roman Catholicism, which is derived from Trent, but the old teaching of the first thousand years derived from Revelation, Scripture and the Councils. All Henry did was to introduce a new note of Nationalism in to the equasion. What Eliza did was throw off her sister, Queen Mary's attempt to inflict the teachings of the Council of Trent on to the English Church! At no time did the Anglican Church become protestant, indeed, in 1640 it resisted an attempt by a packed protestant parliament to inflict Calvinism on to the English Church!
Elizabeth 1 had no children. James 6 of Scotland 1 of England succeeded Elizabeth.
Elizabeth 1
During Queen Elizabeth 1 ruled England all by herself. It was during this period that Kings did not exist in England.
Queen Elizabeth the first of England was never married and never had children.
Elizabeth 1
Queen Elizabeth's occupation was to rule all of England.
Elizabeth 1
It was Mary, Queen of Scots, daughter of James V of Scotland who had a cousin Elizabeth. Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth 1 of England.
During Queen Elizabeth 1 ruled England all by herself. It was during this period that Kings did not exist in England.
It refers to England during the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1