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Q: What earlier colonial document created by the pilgrims did Americans use as an example when writing the constitition?
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The earliest document to which Americans can look at as part of their democratic heritage is the?

The earliest known document that Americans look to as part of their democratic heritage is the Mayflower Compact. It was agreed to by the Pilgrims in 1620.

Where did the holiday Thanksgiving come from?

It is when the pilgrims landed in colonial America.

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The pilgrims, puritans, and quakers' experience during colonial settlements were not good.

Which document was written by the Pilgrims and outlined a form of government for their new colony?

The document that was written by the Pilgrims for their new colony was the Mayflower Compact

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The first written document that provided self government for the pilgrims was The Mayflower Compact.

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the Mayflower Compact

What document was signed by the Pilgrims as an agreement to form a government.?

The Mayflower Compact. (the name came from the name of the ship the Pilgrims had arrived. )

What area was the pilgrims trying to reach?

colonial america

How many pilgrims were at the feast?

13 pilgrims and 90 Native Americans

What was the reason trouble started between the pilgrims and the Native Americans?

At first the Pilgrims and the Native Americans got along well but as more and more settlers arrived and they demanded more land, the relationship between the Native Americans and the Pilgrims snapped and they went to battle in King Philip's War.