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B.C as in 'years', means "Before Christ" and A.D. means "anno Domini", which is latin for "Year of our Lord". It is due to the "Gregorian Calendar" we use today. So, if Jesus was perceived to have been born in year 1, we are currently 2008 years later, hence 2008 A.D. Also note that time B.C. (Before Christ) runs backwards from the perceived birth of Christ, so the year before he was born was 1 B.C. ten years before is 10 B.C., a thousand years 1000 B.C. and so on.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Before Christ is the traditional, correct, and unchangeable term, but people are trying to get it changed to a name without Christ in it.

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14y ago

BC means before christ which is the years before jesus was born.

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11y ago

BC means before Christ. Anything that happened before Jesus Christ was born is related to as BC. Eg. 54 BC

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15y ago

Before common aera.

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Suspected pharaoh that would not free the Jew?

* Amenemhat IV (1815 BC to 1806 BC) * Tutimaios (circa 1690 BC)- also known as Dudimose A Hyksos king (circa 1648 BC to 1540 BC) * Ahmose I (1550 BC to 1525 BC) * Thutmose I * Thutmose III (1479 BC to 1425 BC) * Amenhotep II (1427 BC to 1401 BC) * Amenhotep IV, also known as Akhenaten (1352 BC - 1336 BC) * Horemheb (circa 1319 BC to 1292 BC) * Ramesses I (circa 1292 BC to 1290 BC) * Ramesses II (1279 BC to 1213 BC) * Merneptah (1213 BC to 1203 BC) * Amenmesse (1203 BC to 1199 BC) * Setnakhte (1190 BC to 1186 BC

What is ancient Egypt's capital city?

This is a list of Egyptian capitals in a chronological order.Thinis (before 2950 BC) the first capital of Upper and Lower EgyptMemphis: (2950 BC - 2180 BC)Herakleopolis: (2180 BC - 2060 BC)Thebes: (2135 BC - 1985 BC)Itjtawy: (1985 BC - 1785 BC)Thebes: (1785 BC - 1650 BC)Xois: (1715 BC - 1650 BC)Avaris: (1650 BC - 1580 BC)Thebes: (1650 BC - c. 1353 BC)Akhetaten: (c. 1353 BC - c. 1332 BC)Thebes: (c. 1332 BC - 1279 BC) Ramesses IIPi-Ramesses (1279 BC - 1078 BC)Tanis: (1078 BC - 945 BC)Bubastis: (945 BC - 715 BC)Tanis: (818 BC - 715 BC)Sais: (725 BC - 715 BC)Napata/Memphis (715 BC - 664 BC)Sais: (664 BC - 525 BC)Sais: (404 BC - 399 BC)Mendes: (399 BC - 380 BC)Sebennytos: (380 BC - 343 BC)Alexandria: (332 BC - 641 AD)Al-Fustat: (641 AD - 750 AD)Al-Askar: (750 - 868 AD)Al-Qatta'i: (868 - 905 AD)Al-Fustat: (905 - 969 AD)Al-Qahira (Cairo): the present capital (969 AD - Present)

What year was it in the second century bc?

199 to 100bc The first year of the 2nd century BC was 200 BC, and the last year was 101 BC.

What came first 3500 bc or 4000 bc?

4000 BC; time goes down in BC not upwards like AD. The higher the number in BC the earlier it is

In what exact year did Egypt become one kingdom?

2009 bc 2009 bc 2009 bc 2009 bc 2009 bc

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What des BC represent?

British Columbia?

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A traditional way to represent men is to paint them in a darker value. A traditional way to represent women it to paint them in a lighter value.

What is a stream order?

1st order stream is a stream that formed Bc OF Spring and any water. and represent the first steam of the watershed

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The Great Sphinx of Giza was built during Khafra's reign as Pharaoh between 2558 BC and 2532 BC. The Sphinx is a lion's body with a human head, the face thought to represent Khafra.

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1st order stream is a stream that formed Bc OF Spring and any water. and represent the first steam of the watershed

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We don't who who the first person was but it was around 30,000 BC when tally marks were made on bones and things to represent numbers.

What does a cupcake symbolize in a tattoo?

Cupcake means small cake or cookie... sex That works, but personally I have a tat of a cupcake to represent my juvenile diabetes and I have it on my lower stomach bc that is where my pump goes. A cupcake can represent many things, and not all of them have to be vulgar.

Why have some historians rejected the labels BC and AD as labels for periods in world history?

the labels are based on christian traditions and do not represent all world cultures.

Why have some historians rejected the labels BC and AD as labels for periods in the world history?

the labels are based on christian traditions and do not represent all world cultures.

Why have some historians rejected the labels BC and AD as labels for period in world history?

the labels are based on christian traditions and do not represent all world cultures.

Why have some historian rejected the labels BC and AD as labels for periods in world history?

the labels are based on christian traditions and do not represent all world cultures.

Does an isolated non-acid fast gram-positive catalase positive rods from a throat represent a disease state?

yes bc its only normal on skin not in your throat