A ship designed to go to war. Battleships, air craft carriers, cruisers, submarines, gunboats, frigates, destroyers, PT boats and lots of others are made for the purpose of going into battle.
Broadside the simultaneous firing of all the armament on one side of a warship
They are metal beaks placed under the waterline of a warship to punch a hole in the side of an opposing warship and sink her. They were mostly used in ancient warfare, but rams have been revived a few times in history since.
Britain states that her wooden sailing ship HMS Victory is the oldest commissioned warship in the world.
The nickname is "Old Ironsides" for its tough oak timbers.The USS Constitution famously sank the British warship HMS Guerriere in the War of 1812."Old Ironsides" is the nickname for the warship USS Constitution.
The designer, John Ericsson, proposed the name Monitor for the warship. Monitor means one who admonishes and corrects wrongdoers
A type of small ship.
It is there people of warship
covered or protected with iron.Noun A 19th-century warship with armor plating.
Warship - journal - was created in 1977.
Warship International was created in 1964.
The word chappelle (in french) mean small church or a place of warship-Ethan177 find me on roblox
A corvette is a small, maneuverable, lightly armed warship.
Possibly a Russian warship built in the Kiev Shipyards.
If you mean 'triremes', they were the standard warship of the time - powered by three banks of oars.
Warship Support Agency ended in 2005.
Warship Support Agency was created in 2001.
Warship Under Sail was created in 2009.