A nationalist is a person who supports, or works for, political independence for a country or region - for example a Welsh nationalist, a Basque nationalist etc.
A nationalist is someone who is pushing for political independence for their country.
The Nationalist Republic of China was akathe Nationalist Party. They were a group formed in 1929 by a man name Jiang Jieshi. The Nationalist party then attacked the Chinese Communist Party led by Mao Zedong.Hope this helped:)
no,its British Nationalist or White British Nationalist.
Revolutionary Nationalist Movement-Julio was created in 1973.
Indian National Congress led the Nationalist movement in India.
it means get a history book and do it yourself
Some words that can be made from the word "national" are "nation," "nationalist," "tail," and "notion."
On the Irish flag it represents the nationalist people.
"Nationalist", "loyalist", and "partisan" are all synonyms of "patriot".
The word implies a division of interests It is a Chicano nationalist term. It suggests that Chicanos have a distinct culture and history. Aztlan is a Chicano nationalist term < Apex
no he was not a nationalist
The Nationalist was created in 1890.
The nationalist era took place in the 1500s.
A nationalist is someone who is pushing for political independence for their country.
Nationalist Clubs ended in 1896.
Nationalist Clubs was created in 1888.
Nationalist Front was created in 1985.