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Q: What does the word holden mean from the Indian Policy Reform?
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If by Indian you mean Native American, then yes. If by Indian you mean India-Indian, then no, she is not.

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When Mr. Antolini tells Holden that he is headed for a fall, he means that Holden is on a dangerous path that could lead to failure, disappointment, or harm. Mr. Antolini is warning Holden that his behavior and choices may have serious consequences if he continues on his current course.

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Holden refers to stradlater as unscrupulous what does he mean?

Holden is suggesting that Stradlater lacks moral principles or integrity, indicating that he believes Stradlater is deceitful, dishonest, or unethical in his behavior.

What does Non Reform mean to Jews?

It does not mean anything specific. Reform Judaism is one branch of Liberal Judaism. So, ostensibly, non-Reform would mean any other branch of Liberal Judaism or it would refer to Orthodox Judaism. This is not a commonly-used term among Jews.

What does Holden Caulfield mean by calling someone a phony?

he calls them a phony because he thinks they sre fake, in their personality and who they are as a person. but isn't Holden a phony himself for always lying.

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