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The use of fire by early humans reminds us that we must be able to adapt to change.

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Q: What does the use of fire by early humans remind us of?
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What does the use of fire by early humans reminds us of?

The use of fire by early humans reminds us that we must be able to adapt to change.

The use of fire by early humans reminds us that?

The use of fire by early humans reminds us that sometimes they adapted by changing the environment not themselves.

What did early humans discover over thousandsof years?

The early humans discovered and started to use fire some 500,000 years ago. It took hundreds of thousand years to discover how to make fire.

Fire was discovered in which age?

The controlled use of fire by early humans is believed to have begun around 1.5 million years ago in the Paleolithic Age.

What was Perhaps most important to early humans' ability to adapt to new harsh and colder climates was?

It was to use fire.

Why was the development of fire important to early humans?

It was important becuase they use it for tools, food and they use it to take out toxins. They use it for warmth. It was like technology back then.

Who is the inventor of fire?

The inventor of fire is not known as fire was likely discovered by early humans through natural events such as lightning strikes or volcanic eruptions. The controlled use of fire for cooking and warmth is believed to have been developed by early hominids over millions of years.

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what did early humans use to migrate to Indonesia and australia

What abilities did early humans develop long before the other?

Early humans developed the ability to craft and use tools, control fire, and communicate using language long before other abilities such as farming, writing, or advanced technology. These early developments allowed humans to better adapt and thrive in various environments.

Did the stone age have fire?

Yes, the Stone Age is known for the controlled use of fire by early humans. Evidence suggests that fire was used for cooking, warmth, protection, and tool-making during this period.

Did the first Indians have fire?

Yes, it is believed that early human ancestors in India were able to control and use fire for various purposes such as cooking, warmth, and protection. The use of fire played a significant role in the cultural and technological development of early humans.

How early did humans use fire?

Warmth, cooking, defense, making tools and weapons (fire hardened sticks) making pottery, preserving food (smoking/drying food)