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I've encountered the phrase 'manifest humanity' a few times before, generally in the context of futurism or speculative fiction. The phrase can be most closely associated with the late 1900s American 'manifest destiny' which suggested that (white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant) Americans should expand the United States from the Atlantic to Pacific Ocean, and including Canada, Mexico, and Central America in some cases and realize the "destiny" of the US.

'Manifest Humanity' suggests the realization of humanity's potential. In many contexts this means much greater space exploration, technological development, and in some contexts greater international cooperation and improving the minimum standard of living. Manifest Humanity can also (in a speculative fiction usage) refer to a policy more in line with the genocidal undercurrent of 'manifest destiny' suggesting that Humanity should conquer everything it may encounter in space by any means necessary. "Manifest sentience" would be a sort of combination of the two, suggesting that sentiences (humans, machine intelligences, aliens, etc.) should better themselves.

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