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Q: What does the term adult suffrage means?
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What does suffrage mean.?

This term means literally that everybody can vote. Practically it means all adult citizens who are not barred from voting by past crimes can vote provided they are properly registered to vote.

Means that adult men have the right to vote?

Universal Male Suffrage

What is a Latin term that means the right to vote.?

Suffragium (-ii, n.), or "suffrage" in English.

Is a Latin term that means the right to vote?


What is themeaning of adult suffrage?

Universal adult suffrage means any person of the age 18 or above can give their vote without any discrimination of color, caste, creed, sex etc.

What does the term suffrage refers to?

Universal suffrage (also universal adult suffrage, general suffrage or common suffrage) consists of the extension of the right to vote to adult citizens (or subjects) as a whole, though it may also mean extending said right to minors (Demeny voting) and non-citizens. Although suffrage has two necessary components, the right to vote and opportunities to vote, the term universal suffrage is associated only with the right to vote and ignores the other aspect, the frequency that an incumbent government consults the electorate. Where universal suffrage exists, the right to vote is not restricted by race, sex, belief, sexual orientation, gender identity, wealth, or social status. Historically, universal suffrage often in fact refers to universal adult male suffrage.

In what year was adult suffrage introduced to Guyana?

In what year was Adult suffrage introduced to Guyana

True or false does the term suffrage means the right to vote?


When did Belize gain universal adult suffrage?

In 1954 we(Belize ) gained universal adult suffrage

What term means the right of women to vote?

Woman's sufferage

What is the term suffage?

Suffrage means the right to vote, usually in a political election.

What does universal suffrage mean?

Universal suffrage means that all adult citizens have the right to vote in elections, without any restrictions based on factors like race, gender, or social status. It ensures that every eligible member of society has the opportunity to participate in the democratic process.