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US senators work in the Capitol building.
The Architect of the Capitol (AOC)
built in 1678
The Capitol Building was burned down by British Troops.
Congress meets in the US Capitol building.
Type your answer here... capitol
The United States Capitol.
There are 100 senators in the us capitol!
The Capitol of the United States of America is Washington D.C.
Wyoming's people wanted it to look like the US. capitol; it was designed that way(:
Every state in the US has a Capitol Building, located in its capitol city. Similarly, the US as a whole has its Capitol Building in its capitol city, which is Washington, DC. The US Capitol is the building in which the Congress (Senate and House of Representatives) hold their meetings. ___________________ The U.S. Capitol is in Washington, DC. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=US+Capitol+Washington+DC&sll=42.37561,-83.295097&sspn=0.043814,0.077248&g=US+Capitol&ie=UTF8&ll=38.889062,-77.008495&spn=0.011541,0.019312&z=16
The capitol of the US is Washington, DC; the most populous city of the US is New York City.
The legislative bodies of the United States meet in the US Capitol. The House of Representatives and US Senate meet there in sessions each year.
SACREMENTO is the capitol
US senators work in the Capitol building.