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In English, this is the translation of the Lebanese anthem:

All of us! For our Country, for our Flag and Glory!

Our valour and our writings are the envy of the ages.

Our mountains and our valleys, they bring forth stalwart men.

And to Perfection all our efforts we devote.

All of us! For our Country, for our Flag and Glory!

Our Elders and our children, they await our Country's call,

And on the Day of Crisis they are as Lions of the Jungle.

The heart of our East is ever Lebanon,

May God preserve her until end of time.

All of us! For our Country, for our Flag and Glory!

The Gems of the East are her land and sea.

Throughout the world her good deeds flow from pole to pole.

And her name is her glory since time began.

Immortality's Symbol--the Cedar--is her Pride.

All of us! For our Country, for our Flag and Glory!

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