The meaning of the name Cecelia is blind or sixth. Cecelia comes from Latin and Old Welsh of the name Cecilia.
Cecelia Antoinette goes by Cece.
Proto is a last name or it could be a first name.
Fabien is a first name in French. That doesn't mean anything obvious.
Felicity Ambryn Primrose Elisabeth Lucille Lucy Patience Deliverance Cornelia Cecelia Eloise Margaret Celeste
Yesica is a variant spelling for the first name, Jessica.
Cecelia Specht's birth name is Cecelia E. Specht.
Cecelia Walker's birth name is Cecelia Chase Barrymore Walker.
Cecelia Lipson's birth name is Celia Lipzin.
It is a Latin name meaning 'blind', In Australia it is a slang term for 'woman'. It is a form of Cecelia, the Patron Saint of Music.
Cecelia Weiss
It's Cecelia
Cecelia Marie Halpert
Cicely Walper's birth name is Cecelia Bowen.
Cecelia Jones
Alexandra Imelda Cecelia Ewan Burke.
Sidney would be the english name for Cecelia.