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Australia operates under a Federal parliamentary democracy, based on a constitution, so it is also sometimes referred to as a constitutional monarchy. The Australian Federal government is based on the British system, which is the Westminster system of parliament, and consists of the House of Representatives (the Lower House) and the Senate (the Upper House). The lower house is chosen by the voters in electorates. The senate is chosen by voters in the states.

In Australia, although the Queen seems little more than a figurehead, she approves the appointing of the Governor General on the advice of the Prime Minister. The Governor General is the Queen's representative in Australia, and his/her powers include appointing ambassadors, ministers and judges, giving Royal Assent to legislation, issuing writs for elections and bestowing honours. The Governor-General is also Commander-in-Chief of the Australian Defence Force. Whilst the Governor-General usually acts only on the advice of the Prime Minister, his/her reserve powers can be exercised over that of the Prime Minister, in extreme situations.

The Federal government oversees the following areas:

  • telecommunications
  • Immigration, customs and border security
  • employment
  • welfare
  • airports
  • income tax
  • defence
  • education
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13y ago

Australia has Federal, State and Localgovernment levels.

The Federal government:

Australia operates under a Federal parliamentary democracy, based on a constitution, so it is also sometimes referred to as a constitutional monarchy. The Australian government is based on the British system, which is the Westminster system of parliament, and consists of the House of Representatives (the Lower House) and the Senate (the Upper House). The lower house is chosen by the voters in electorates. The senate is chosen by voters in the states.

In Australia, although the Queen seems little more than a figurehead, she approves the appointing of the Governor General on the advice of the Prime Minister. The Governor General is the Queen's representative in Australia, and his/her powers include appointing ambassadors, ministers and judges, giving Royal Assent to legislation, issuing writs for elections and bestowing honours. The Governor-General is also Commander-in-Chief of the Australian Defence Force. Whilst the Governor-General usually acts only on the advice of the Prime Minister, his/her reserve powers can be exercised over that of the Prime Minister, in extreme situations.

The Federal government oversees the following areas:

  • telecommunications
  • immigration, customs and border security
  • employment
  • welfare
  • airports
  • income tax
  • defence
  • education
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Local, state, and federal are the 3 levels of government in Australia. Australia has a federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy form of government.

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The federal government currently consists of members of the Australia Labor Party.

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The Federal system of government was established in Australia at Federation, which occurred on 1 January 1901.

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Australia has a federal government with a lower and upper house.

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Federal government was introduced in Australia on 1 January 1901. The first Prime Minister of the new Commonwealth of Australia was Edmund Barton.

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The Federal Government resides in Parliament House in Canberra, the capital of Australia.

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Federal laws

What established the federal system of government in Australia?

The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia.

Does Australia have government?

Yes Australia has a government. It is The Commonwealth of Australia, it is a federal constitutional monarchy under a parliamentary democracyyes

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The federal government is in charge of all police forces in Australia.

What government does Tasmania?

Tasmania is one of the states of Australia. It is governed by the Federal government of Australia, but like all the states of Australia, it has its own state government as well.

What is the title of the Federal Government Australia?

The Federal Governenment, based in Canberra (ACT) - was given the official name of 'Her Majesty's Australian Government'.