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On July 4, 1776, the United States officially declared independence from England. It verifies that we are our own governing body and are no longer ruled by the King. It also guarantees that citizens have "certain unalienable rights" (i.e., life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness).

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Nat Olson

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Q: What does the decleration of independance do?
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What document and existence of slavery made the US hypocritical?

The decleration of independance (:

What key documents have helped foster self-government?

The constitution, and the decleration of independance.

Who thought up of the Decleration of Independence?

I think that the parliment came up with the Declartion if Independance because of how british was taxing them without reprenstaion.

How did US obtain independence?

The US gained indipendence from England by signing one of the most important papers in the history of America: The Decleration of Independance.

What was the constitution made of?

parchment from dried animal skin. This one was made a little bit better than the decleration of independance so you can still make it out.

Who was chosen to do most of the writing on the Decleration of Independance?

Jefferson. He was 33 years old and was known for his ability to write and express himself. The editors were Adams, Franklin, and Jay.

How many years after the decleration of independance was the constitution written?

Declaration of Independence: July 1776 Constitution of the United States of America: May 1787. Thus 1787-1776= approximately 11 years later.

What is the importance of the decleration of independance?

It states that a government exists for the benefit of the people and that "all men are created equal. So it is important because people need equal rights. Also everyone should be treated equally.

Is the decleration of independence a constitution?

yes, and then the ammendements that were made were added to the bill of rights, as the way in which the Declaration of Independance (constitution) was written it was made far too hard to add/change what was written. So changes were then added to the bill of rights.

What are the Mail marijuana?

i assume you mean what is the male marijuana plant and that is hemp, it does not have the phsychoactive chemicals that get a user high and was widely used for paper clothing and many other products before the marijuana prohibition, also the decleration of independance was written on hemp paper

When was the decleration of independents written?

The decleration of independence was written on July, 4 1776.

Did Nathan Hale sign the decleration of indepence?

i sure he did sign the decleration of indepence