Popular history states the red of the flag represents valor, white stands for liberty or purity and blue represents justice, loyalty and perseverance. These meanings are unofficial though.
the first original 13 colonies
the US Flag is red, white and blue.
The blue union where the stars represent the states is the point of honor on the US flag.
it means dick
life, liberty, freedom
cause i said so
the first original 13 colonies
the US Flag is red, white and blue.
the blue on the Samoan flag is the ocean and heaven above us and the red is the blood of the ancestors that was fighting for our independence
red,white and blue
what dose the blue me an
The blue on the American flag represents vigilance, perseverance and justice
Haitian is awesome .but the red mean the blood that was shed . the blue also mean us . so be happy where you come from... :)
it means the blue shirts
IT means for blue