Care, attention; heed, notice.
It can also mean a minister of state
It means women. Mná
there is no word with that spelling but the word "réidh" is proniunced "ray" and means ready
the Irish word for leg is "cos"
The Irish word for the world is Domhan
the Irish word for fun is craic....pronounced crack!
Taoiseach is the title used for the head of an Irish government and the answer you are looking for. It does not actually mean Prime Minister. Príomh Aire means Prime Minister, but that term is never used for the head of an Irish government.
Hear it at
aire = air
Bhí tú ag tabhairt aire do do chol ceathair Dé Sathairn
'Will' is not an Irish word and has no meaning in Irish.
'Colt' is not an Irish word. The Irish word for colt is bromach.
Not an Irish word.
'Brandie' is not a word in the Irish language.
'Late' is a word in English not Irish.
It's not a word in Irish Gaelic.
Ryann is not an Irish word and has no meaning in Irish.
It is not an Irish (Gaelic) word.