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Q: What does john locke say about how man begins life?
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How much did John Locke weigh?

145 pounds, John Locke was a rather skinny man

According to John Locke no one should hinder another man in his what?

== == Life, health, liberty and possessions.

What were john Locke's three rights of a man?

Locke's basic rights were Life, Liberty, and Property. The writers of the Declaration of Independence modified this when creating their inalienable rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Who is idea was 'unalienable rights of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

John Locke Best man to ever live

Which of john Locke's ideas influenced the American patriots decision to fight a war of independence from great Britain?

Strong leaders I think

John Locke believed that man without government was?


Who was john Locke and why was he so important?

he believed that people were born with three basic property

What effect did the philosophy of john Locke have upon the formation of the principles of American government?

Locke's belief of the right to life, liberty, and property for every man greatly influenced Thomas Jefferson's development of the Bill of Rights.

Who did john Locke believe have governmental power?

the coco puff man

What rights of man did the philosophers support?

John Locke states Life, Liberty, and Property**changed by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence to Pursuit of Happiness

What were some of john Locke's discoveries?

john Locke didn't discover anything. He was a thinker, writer, and philosopher who wrote about "natural rights of man". This influenced Jefferson who based his thinking on Locke when writing the Declaration of Independence.

A key idea in the work of John Locke is the importance of?

Consent of the governed.