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We should never forget it.

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Q: What does it mean when the holocaust is a tragedy beyond words beyond imagination but not beyond memory?
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What does it mean to say that you are moving from lived memory to historical memory of the holocaust?

it means that we are slowly starting to loose holocaust survivors so the newer generation is starting to not care about the effects it had.

What does the Holocaust memorial museum in DC represent?

to remind the holocaust happened and nations should insure it does not happen again....

Why did the Jewish keep their faith of the holocaust?

Many Jewish people kept their faith despite the Holocaust because their faith and religious practices were an integral part of their identity and provided them with strength and hope during the darkest times. For some, it was a way to honor their ancestors and the memory of those who perished. Additionally, maintaining their faith allowed them to preserve their cultural and religious traditions, which were central to their sense of community and resilience.

What are the different kinds of memory cards?

List three kinds of memory modules? DIMM (dual inline memory), RIMM (random inline memory), and SIMM (single inline memory)

What happened to people in the Holocaust that survived?

== == Some (very few) were lucky enough to have German families hide them (such as Anne Frank's family) and others were blessed by surviving out of strength and character, while others were simply too weak to go on. Over 6 million Jews (including women and children as well as the elderly and also Gypsies, Europeans or anyone that went against Hitler) were gassed, beaten to death, starved to death or used for experimentation purposes and many died from that alone.

Related questions

What does it mean to say that you are moving from lived memory to historical memory of the holocaust?

it means that we are slowly starting to loose holocaust survivors so the newer generation is starting to not care about the effects it had.

Why shld you study the holocaust?

to keep the memory of what happened alive

What does the Holocaust memorial museum in DC represent?

to remind the holocaust happened and nations should insure it does not happen again....

What is it called When you recall a memory or sensation you experienced in the past?

passive imagination

When you recall a memory you are using this type of imagination?

Reconstruction pieces of information

Is there a day in memory of the Holocaust?

Yes, 27th January - the day that Soviet forces liberated Auschwitz in 1945, is Holocaust Memorial Day.

What are the release dates for Memory and Imagination New Pathways to the Library of Congress - 1990 TV?

Memory and Imagination New Pathways to the Library of Congress - 1990 TV was released on: USA: 15 October 1990 (video premiere)

Where is the Greater New Haven Holocaust Memory Inc in New Haven Connecticut located?

The address of the Greater New Haven Holocaust Memory Inc is: 1366 Grasso Boulevard, New Haven, CT 6511

How is the Holocaust still alive today?

The memory of the Holocaust is kept alive through memoirs, movies, documentaries, and survivors who continue to share their story.

Why do children make poor eyewitnesses?

Their imagination is too good and their memory is too bad.

What is a figment of the imagination?

A "figment of the imagination" is a sense or memory that does not correspond to a real (physical) thing or event. These include fabrications, fantasies, hallucinations, or misinterpretations.

What is the rising action in the story the monkey's paw?

From memory: Anticipation was built up in the reader's imagination.