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Ghetto currently means slums or area of a city housing low income populations. During World War 2 the German Nazi use of the word Ghetto was a section of a city in which all Jews were required to live in many European cities. A good definition would be "a section predominantly inhabited by Jews" during WW2.

Most of the Jews who had been housed in the ghettos did not survive the war because they were either killed or starved to death.

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Q: What does gheto mean?
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What was life in the ghetto like?

Life in the gheto was terrible, which goes without saying. Disease ran rampant, and food was exetremly hard to get a hold of. People were stealing from each other and there were always bodies on the streets, covered by newspaper, barefooted because their shoes had been stolen. People would stand on the streets auctioning off just about anything, from food (even rats, which were commonly eaten, though not advertised by these street vendors as being rats) to shards of mirrors, candles or clothing. Anything was sold. If you are interested in life in the gheto, I suggest reading "Milkweed" by Jerry Spinell wtf?dont nobodi be eaten rats, that y we steal food for duh.

Who was king Henry and what did he do?

he was a mean person who lived with mean people in a mean castle on a mean hill in a mean country in a mean continent in a mean world in a mean solar system in a mean galaxy in a mean universe in a mean dimension

If you like history what can you do?

What do you mean by 'do'? Do you mean as a career, or do you mean 'How can you study history?'

Who ruled the roman empire for 41 years?

If you mean 44 years, it was Augustus.If you mean 44 years, it was Augustus.If you mean 44 years, it was Augustus.If you mean 44 years, it was Augustus.If you mean 44 years, it was Augustus.If you mean 44 years, it was Augustus.If you mean 44 years, it was Augustus.If you mean 44 years, it was Augustus.If you mean 44 years, it was Augustus.

What does fnk mean?

is mean thank you

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im pretty sure hes not black whatsoever.

What did gheto mean in world war 2?

a ghetto during world war 2 was a place where the Jews were sent. they were sometimes sealed off. many died in ghettos because of starvation or illness.

A densely populated run-down area of a city in which poor minority groups live?

A Slum or Gheto

What term is used for white boys who act black?

no idea... isn't it like, gheto or something? I believe the word you are looking for is "WHIGGER"

Why do people act gheto?

people act gheto cause they think that every body scared of them and cause they wanna be a pimp a thug kinda like a gang boss When people act ghetto is not only not mature it is so people think they are cool. Well I'm in 6th grade and everyone in my school is ghetto (except for me friends lol) they act like there everything. I think they are hurting inside and instead of talking to someone about it they act immature and hurt peoples feelings.

How do you be a perfect gheto boy?

you go to queens new york and hang out with the men by the clubs and you shave your face 3 times a week thats how you have nice complexion, and you dont have to bea perfect ghetto boy be yourself

Is it good to live in the projects?

No it is not good to live in the projects because they have rats and roaches. The projects are gheto which means that the projects have crime, drugs, and low incoms. Which means that the people who lives in the projects they don't have any jobs.

What was life in the ghetto like?

Life in the gheto was terrible, which goes without saying. Disease ran rampant, and food was exetremly hard to get a hold of. People were stealing from each other and there were always bodies on the streets, covered by newspaper, barefooted because their shoes had been stolen. People would stand on the streets auctioning off just about anything, from food (even rats, which were commonly eaten, though not advertised by these street vendors as being rats) to shards of mirrors, candles or clothing. Anything was sold. If you are interested in life in the gheto, I suggest reading "Milkweed" by Jerry Spinell wtf?dont nobodi be eaten rats, that y we steal food for duh.

Is 'ghetto' an Italian word?

Yes, the word ghetto is Italian. Etymologists, or those who study the origins of words, tend to find the word's origins in the Venetian term getto or gheto for "slag" from a foundry, or in the Italian word borghetto, as a diminutive of borgo ("borough"). Whatever the origins, the word ultimately was used to describe the part of Venice where Jewish populations could be found living.

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you mean what you mean

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Mean is the average.