The Italian alphabet looks like any other alphabet in the western world.
Cursive AlphabetPlease use the related links to view pictures of the cursive alphabet.
See the related link to Wikipedia for a breakdown of he Hungarian alphabet - including pronunciation of each letter.
They used a Corinthian epichoric alphabet.
Irish uses the latin alphabet minus the letters j, k, q, v, w, x, y, z.
It's exactly the same as the English one.
The French alphabet has 26 letters, just like the English alphabet. However, French includes accents on some letters, such as é, è, ê, and ç. Additionally, French does not use the letters W, K, or Y as frequently as English does.
The Italian alphabet looks like any other alphabet in the western world.
The letter Y in the French alphabet is called "i grec" which translates to "Greek i" because it originated from the Greek alphabet.
The Mexican alphabet. The Greek use the Greek alphabet. The Germans use the German alphabet. The French use the French alphabet. Etc.
the alphabet = l'alphabet
Yes, the French alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet, which is also used in the English language. Both alphabets consist of 26 letters.
It is a letter in the Greek alphabet.
letters of the alphabet a-z
They resemble letters of the alphabet.
There is no such alphabet called the "romance alphabet". If you are talking about the Latin alphabet, French uses all of the letters of the Latin alphabet with a few additions, including: ç, j, u, and w. (w is only used in foreign words in French).
letters of the alphabet and one looks like a ! and the second looks like a ?