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Q: What does faced with what is right to leave it unolone shows a lack of courage?
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What is moral courage?

courage to do what you think is right

What are the ratings and certificates for Shaurya It Takes Courage to Make Right--- Right - 2008?

Shaurya It Takes Courage to Make Right--- Right - 2008 is rated/received certificates of: India:A UK:12

What challenges did the English colonies faced?

they faced beatings from not doind certain things right and rasing children

Problems faced by slaves?

Slaves faced many problems, especially the problem of not having any freedom. They had no right at all, could not leave the plantation without permission, were forced to work from sun-up till sun-down for no wages. They were not permitted to learn to read or write.

How did martin Luther king have the courage to fight for his beliefs?

it was what he felt was right and since he wanted to help he got the support and courage

In what ways is the lawyer a different man?

The lawyer in "To Kill a Mockingbird," Atticus Finch, stands out as different due to his strong moral compass, empathy for others, and commitment to justice. He is known for his integrity, compassion, and courage in standing up for what is right, even when faced with adversity.

What is the difference between courage and moral courage?

Courage is the ability to face fear, pain, or a difficult situation without backing down. Moral courage specifically refers to the willingness to stand up for what is right, just, or ethical, even in the face of potential adversity or backlash. Moral courage involves a strong sense of integrity and standing up for values or principles, while courage may be more general and not necessarily tied to moral dilemmas.

How can you get courage to leave an abusive spouse?

just tell your self that u need to leave and that you want to leave and as you say it every day you will get the mental courage to leave i swear on it that you will... iv tryed it so many times!!!!!

What does without justice courage is weak?

This phrase implies that courage lacks strength or purpose without the presence of justice to guide and support it. It suggests that true courage is rooted in fighting for what is right and just. Justice can provide the moral foundation and motivation that enables courage to be impactful and meaningful.

What do you think courage is?

Courage is the ability to overcome fear or adversity in the face of danger, pain, or uncertainty. It involves taking action and standing up for what is right, even when it is challenging or puts you at risk.

What is the value that gives us the moral and mental strength to do what is right with confidence and resolution even in the face of personal or professional temptation or adversity?

Integrity is the value that provides us with the moral and mental fortitude to uphold our principles and do what is right, even when faced with temptations or adversity. It involves acting in alignment with one's values and principles, fostering confidence and resolution in the face of challenges.

From the view of the white house Henry's regiment branched off in what direction The Red Badge of Courage?

In "The Red Badge of Courage," Henry's regiment branched off to the right.