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Q: What does agitation?
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What is a sentence using agitation?

She was wringing her hands in agitation.

What are the emulcifiers of soap?

water an agitation water an agitation

When was Agitation Free created?

Agitation Free was created in 1967.

When was John Agitation born?

John Agitation was born on 1927-07-24.

How do you use the word agitaion in a sentence?

The word is spelled agitation. After witnessing his wife's murder, the man's agitation was obvious. Agitation is a state of extreme emotional upset.

What score indicates mild and moderate agitation when using the Cohen Mansfield Agitation Inventory?

A score of 45-60 indicates mild agitation, while a score of 61-75 indicates moderate agitation when using the Cohen Mansfield Agitation Inventory.

How can you use agitation in a sentence?

"The hardest-working part in a washing machine is the one that provides the agitation."Your poor attempts at agitation wil have no effect on my performance.The agitation of the surface of the sea indicates a feeding frenzy.

What role did the woman play in anti-liquor agitation?

what role did the women play in anti liquor agitation

Agitation prevents a what from settling?

Agitation prevents sediment or particles from settling at the bottom of a container or solution.

What is strike and agitation?


What is the meanig of ferment?


What is the feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by uneasy or apprehensive?

Fear is the feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by uneasiness and apprehension.