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Q: What does act like a wild Indian mean?
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Related questions

What does it mean when your brother loves to act like an Indian?

If your brother likes to act like an Indian, it does not mean anything. All they are doing is being funny. Nothing to be worried about.

When was the Indian wild life protection act enacted?


How do piranhas act?

They act like they want to eat and they act like wild ones or starving. Because they rip their preys!

Can you have a boyfriend on Animal Crossing wild world?

Not really. I mean no other animal would not know it because you can't. But you can act like you have a boy/girlfriend.

What act moved native Americans west of the Mississippi river?

Indian Removal Act

What does going nuts mean?

It means to act crazy, to behave in a wild and unpredictable manner.

What was the year that the Indian removal act started?

The law (The Indian Removal Act) was passed on May 26th 1830, the first actions were taken in September of 1830. If you mean "Indian Removal" in general, then that would be October 12th 1492.

What is a rambunctious?

Someone acting wild and crazy like the kids act at recess.

What year was the Indian Act Introduced?

the Indian act was introduced in 1876

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When two mutants having same phenotype is crossed the progeny obtained is wild type mutant these mutations are?

They obtain the gene but follow the dominant one. They will act like one of the mutant, won't act wild if their parents aren't wild.

What do giraffs act like?
