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upside down pirate flag was flown to mean No quarter," we're going to kill all aboard".

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Q: What does a upside down jolly rogers flag mean?
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What was the most famous pirate flag and whos was it?

jolly rogers flag

Which group of people flew the jolly rogers flag on their ship?

you did

When the flag is flown upside down is it a signal of?

Any flag flown upside down is a signal of distress.

Is it a act of war to display a U.S. flag upside down?

No. Flying a flag upside down is a symbol of distress.

What does an upside down US flag symbolize?

It is a DISTRESS Signal. NB Any national flag flown upside down is a signal for distress.

When the American flag is flown upside down it's a signal of what?

Any flag flown upside down is a signal of distress.

Is it appropriate to fly the flag upside down?

No, that's actually disrespectful. Flying a flag upside down is a sign of distress. For instance, if you were on a sinking ship, you should turn your flag upside down to signal to other mariners that you are in distress.

Is the American flag ever flown upside-down?

I cant think of a specific instance when the flag was flown upside down, but it is only done when a US position has been overrun or if there is an emergency there.A national flag flying upside down is an international sign of distress.

Is it illegal to hang the American flag upside down?

It is considered by many people that flying an American flag upside down is a form of desecration against the country. However, this is not an illegal act. Flying the American flag upside down is actually a sign of distress and is treated in such a manner.

What color is the jolly roger?

The Jolly Rogers is the flag flown by most pirates. Is is black with a white skull and cross bones in the centre. See related link for a picture.

Why is a flag flown upside down and at half mast?

A flag flown upside down is an official signal of distress. A flag flown at half mast, is a mark of respect or mourning.

What is the only navy ship that flies the flag upside down when leaving port?

no ship flies the American flag upside down when leaving port