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Q: What does US Culture holds a strong belief in?
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What is the most widely held of ideal of the US political culture?

Belief in a limited government that protects individual liberties

How does a larger more-powerful country create an us versus them mentality with a smaller less-powerful country?

It uses language that demeans the smaller country and justifies control over it. The larger country holds to the belief that the smaller country's culture is a danger to itself because it isn't civilized.

How does the theme of the story Ramayana's affect us as individual?

its affect for being a human being . like us . theres a lot of belief ,culture and traditions like the epic Ramayana

How did a strong economy give the us help spread American culture?

American leaders worked to to establish democracy and free enterprise in other countries to spread american culture! :)

What misperceptions about US culture might exist as a result of global media and communication?

Some misperceptions about US culture that may arise from global media and communication include the belief that all Americans are wealthy, that life in the US is glamorous and effortless, and that everyone in the US is individualistic and self-centered. These portrayals in media can oversimplify the diversity and complexity of American society.

On which gov't does US belief?

U.S belief in Democracy

What 5 puritan ideas that are part of the US culture today?

Self government, community responsibility, the importance of education, a belief in moral excellence and a focus on hard work and thrift.

What was the position of the US in the war prior to japan attacking the US fleet?

The US provided money, and military equipment for the allied resistence against the Axis forces. Without the war touching US soil it was a strong belief of many in Congress not to get involved any further.

Is it possible for people to fall off the earth?

No. Earth's gravity holds us on Earth's surface. It is directed towards the center of the planet. Only powerful engines are strong enough to remove objects, and us, from the surface.

What are your belief's and faith?

hmmmm...I think you should not question that to us... If you know the belief's and faith by yourself.. Why do you question that to us??

What is the most widely held ideal of the US political culture?


When did Culture - US band - end?

Culture - US band - ended in 1998.