

What does Louisiana produce?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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8y ago

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Petroleum, agriculture, chemicals, minerals and ores.

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Q: What does Louisiana produce?
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rice, cotton, sugar cane, and soybeans

What industries produce goods in Louisiana?

soybeans,cotton,sugarcane,poultry,eggs,dairy products,and rice

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The offshore oil rigs for Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas produce over 480,000,000 barrels per year. That is about 1.3 million barrels a day.

Where is sugar cane found?

It grows in warm semitropical areas. If you want to buy it, Mexican markets often carry it in the produce section. The sugarcane can be found in the USA but not reliably north Louisiana.

How was the executive branch affected by the Louisiana purchase?

The Louisiana Purchase provided the government with the ability to prevent France and Spain from blocking trade opportunities. The additional land that was obtained through this purchase provided the United States to supply much of the produce that was needed by the citizens.

What flowers bloom year round in Louisiana?

The hibiscus is a flowering plant that can bloom almost all year round in Louisiana. The camellia and knock out rose plants bloom most of the year with a month or two without blooms. Most plants have a dormant period when they do not produce blooms.