Keynesian is an economics term that refers to advocated government monetary and fiscal programs intended to stimulate business activity and increase employment.
Of the revolution
That would mean an American Revolution without using a revolver which is a type of gun
hum french revolution? you mean 1789 revolution?
keynes, keynesian
The meaning of revolution may vary depending on the context. This may means to turn or spin or can be used to mean a forcible overthrow of an authority in favor of a new system.
limitation of keynesian theory??
Keynesian economics
Keynesian economics is free market
New Keynesians account for time in their models
Keynesian is a term which refers to a type of economics. To find a book about Keynesian economics, one could look at their local book store or at online book sites such as Barnes and Noble.
Are countries today following Keynesian's economic policies today?
In contrast with Classical economics, Keynesian economics takes a broader view of the economy
The four sectors in Keynesian macroeconomic model are business, household, foreign sector and government. The Keynesian macroeconomics focuses on a broad scale where the above mentioned sectors play an important role.
Of the revolution
Government expenditure.
The Democratic Party is generally more supportive of Keynesian policies in the United States, although in recent years Republicans have spent considerable amounts of money as well. In the UK, the Labour and Liberal Democrat parties are more friendly to Keynesian ideology.
Classical Aggregate Supply function is vertical whereas the Keynesian Aggregate Supply function is positively sloped.