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Q: What does John Cabot have to do with the Northwest Passage?
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How did John Cabot discover northwest passage?

he just did!

Who sought the northwest passage in 1497?

John Cabot

Did john Cabot and his crew of English sailors think they had discovered the northwest passage?

John Cabot and his crew knew they had not found the Northwest Passage. However, they did believe that they had found part of Asia.

Who was involved in the search for the Northwest Passage?

I was not involved. WAS JOHN CABOT.

Who did the English send to search for Northwest Passage?

John Cabot.

Who was not involved in the search for the northwest passage?

I was not involved. WAS JOHN CABOT.

First to search for the northwest passage?

John Cabot was the first to search for the northwest passaage.

Were did John Cabot explore?

He explored for the British and was looking for the northwest passage.

John Cabot was the first European explorer to search for?

northwest passage

Who was the first to search for a northwest passage?

John Cabot. Hope this helps! :)

What was the sea route England explored with John Cabot?

Northwest Passage

Who was the English explorer who explored the Arctic looking for a northwest passage?

John Cabot