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Israeli or Jewish Perspective

Israelis and Jews want the Palestinians to be a partner for peace. Israelis are most concerned with living their day to day lives without the fear of a suicide bomber exploding in the streets, qassam or katyusha rockets raining down on them from the skies, and such a frigid relationship with their neighboring Arab States. Most Israelis want more Palestinians to be like Salam Fayyad, a man who represents the idea that Palestinians can build a successful and peaceful country that can live alongside (and not instead of) a Jewish State and has actually begun to implement change on the ground. The Israeli military in the West Bank has noted how cooperative and effective the newly trained Palestinian Police in the West Bank are and are proud that such a thing exists, both because it makes their duties less dangerous, but also it gives hope to the Two-State Solution. Now, the political structure in Israel favors minority viewpoints and as such has resulted in a very conservative government (perhaps more conservative than at any other point in history) and that government has a very aggressive policy towards the West Bank and Gaza and is very skeptical about what an independent Palestine can bring, but this is not a majority Israeli view.

As concerns the view below, Jews and Arabs did not live side by side in Israel/Palestine before the time of Jesus. The Arabs only arrived in Israel/Palestine during the conquest of the Levant in 634-638 CE by the Muslims under Caliph Omar. There were Jews and non-Jews in Israel/Palestine prior to the Muslim invasion, but the non-Jews were other indigenous Levantine peoples who did not identify as Arab.

Palestinian or Arab Perspective

Israel would like to see all of the Palestinian territory under its control, hence the building of the wall, the confiscation of land owned by Palestinians, the destruction of farmland and orchards, the annihilation of entire villages and cities, and the bulldozing of homes, building illegal settlements in Palestinian territories. The recent barbaric attacks on Gaza are evidence of Israels desire to wipe out entire groups of people, much the same way the Jews were killed in Germany. Some believe that Israel would not stop at taking what's left of Palestine, but also Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt, and preferably without any Arabs (Muslims and Christians). The Israelis tout the concept of wanting peace with the Arabs only to appease certain influential groups in Europe and the US; however, their actions speak much louder than any agreement on record. There is a difference between Israelis and Jews. Jews believe that Palestine is the land that was promised to them by God after their exodus from the land of the Pharaohs. This land, however, belongs to Palestinians-the original inhabitants of the area. Ironically, Jews and Arabs lived side by side long before the time of Jesus.

Israel wants the Palestinian land. they have been in war for more than 60 years. they have many killed Palestinians but we(Palestinians) know that it will be our country once again because it is ours from the first place.

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It wants the land back that Israel stole. Reparations would be nice, too.

According to their own leaders, it seeks the destruction of Israel.

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