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That someone thought she might have done something.

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Q: What does Elizabeth realize when she finds out that she had been accused?
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What does The right to a fair trial if accused mean?

it guarantees a person who has been accused of a crime the right to a layer even if he/she cant afford one.

Who was the historical Woman who bathed in blood?

There is no historical evidence of a woman specifically known for bathing in blood. However, there are historical accounts of women, such as Countess Elizabeth Bathory, who have been accused of bathing in the blood of their victims, though these claims are highly debated and often considered sensationalized.

Do the accused in the US of the US have more rights than law abiding citizens?

because the American system to me alwayy has to be voted in by elected official of the supreme court.No. And how can they? Just look at your own seem to have just been judge and jury for anyone that someone else has accused of anything -- and you apparently feel they are all guilty - or at least not law abidding! They are accused. Sometimes wrongly and by people who themselves are misdirected. Convoluted ideas like the one in your question actually indicate that the accused should have, because they need, more protection...I guess your definition of "law abiding" is all those that haven't been accused? Because I'll wager that the list of people who haven't been "accused" of ....jay walking, cheating on taxes, or hurting someone or thing, a very different list than those who actually haven't done those things.

Who were Queen Elizabeth's parents?

There have been two Queens named Elizabeth in English and British history. Take your pick from the related questions below.

When did Elizabeth Tudor die?

Queen Elizabeth I of England died in the year 1603. She had been queen for 45 years, which was ages at the time.

Related questions

What does elizabeth realize when she finds out that she has been accused?

In The Crucible, Elizabeth finds out that Abigail wants her dead after she is accused of witchcraft. Abigail wants to have Elizabeth's husband John.

What does elizabeth realize when she finds out that she has been accused by the book the crucible by arthur miller?

Elizabeths finds out that Abigail is going to try and kill her, to take her spot as Proctors Wife

What does Elizabeth realize when she finds that she has been accused?

Elizabeth realizes that Abigail not only wants her gone and out of John's life, she actually wants her dead. Mary Warren refuses to tell Elizabeth who actually accuses her as she is "bound by law." But Elizabeth hardly needs to know the name. She is sure it is Abigail, and here is why: Elizabeth: She wants me dead. All week I knew this would come...She will cry me out until they take me!...She wants me dead, John, you know it...She thinks she can take my place, John. What Elizabeth means is that Abigail is so consumed with lust for John that she will do absolutely anything to be rid of Elizabeth, even have her killed so that she can be with him. Because Abigail and John had slept together, Abigail feels that he has made her a "promise" to be with her and leave his wife. She is tired of waiting. Elizabeth knows this, but John refuses to see.

What ominous revelation does marry warren make abut Elizabeth's reputation?

Mary Warren reveals that there is talk in the village that Elizabeth's name has been brought up in court, and that she has been accused of witchcraft. This revelation is alarming and puts Elizabeth in serious danger.

How does Mary save herself from a whipping?

Mary tells Elizbeth that she had been accused of witchcraft in the courthouse and Mary stood up for Elizabeth saying she was not a witch.

Reverend Hale believes that Elizabeth Proctor is practicing witchcraft?

He know she has been accused. He goes to the house to test her: to see if she fits the sorceress profile.

How does Mary Warren save herself from a whipping?

Mary tells Elizbeth that she had been accused of witchcraft in the courthouse and Mary stood up for Elizabeth saying she was not a witch.

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yes it has been accused

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Mr. Jaggers' housekeeper had been accused of murder.

Can you buy antiques at garage sales?

Certainly!! There have been some fabulous finds by folks at garage sales. People put things away and forget what it is that they have and may not realize the value of Great Grandma's teapot!

What part of speech is the word accused?

Accused can be used as a verb and an adjective. Verb: That man has been accused of many heinous crimes. Adjective: He is an accused killer.

What companies have been accused of accounting fraud?

Companies that have been accused of accounting fraud include General Electric and Hospital Chain. Both companies were very suspicious, which is the reason why they've been accused of accounting fraud.