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Q: What does Columbus come to believe that the native Americans are incredibly generous?
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Why the Church would find the actions of Columbus unacceptable?

The Church (Catholic) did not believe the slaughter of Native Americans was necessary or Christian.

What plants and spices does Columbus believe the Americas possess?

Well the Native Americans offered him Marijuana.

What do the Knights of Columbus believe?

The knights of Columbus are catholic. The knights of Columbus are catholic.

Is a coup stick demonic?

No. In fact no Native Americans believed in demons prior to Columbus. Today, many of us still do not believe in demons, devils or the like.

Who was the leader of the first eurpean group to visit the Americans?

Irik the red, technically, school teachers want you to believe that Christopher Columbus was the first but really it was the vikings.

What is the name of the place historians believe Columbus reached first-?

Historians believe that Columbus reached the Bahamas first.

What did Columbus believe about the world?


What do you believe to be Columbus's true intentions or plans for the lands and native people?

Columbus was a greedy little man who intended to steal any gold he found and to enslave the people he found. He wrote in his diary that the Native Americans he met would make good slaves.

What is the name of the place historians believe Columbus first Columbus reached?

San Salvador

What does Christopher Columbus believe he reached?


Was Christopher Columbus a Christian?

i believe he was catholic

Why do Catholics believe what they do?

Because they were raised that way..Catholic AnswerCatholics believe what they do because of the incredibly generous and loving grace of God. They believe what they do because God came to earth and became incarnate of the Blessed Virgin Mary in order to live among us, teach us, and redeem us. Catholics believe what they do because they are overwhelmed at the thought that the God of the universe could care so much about each one of us individually as to even want to come here, suffer and die. Catholics believe what they do because they have been promised an eternity in paradise with this incredibly loving God, and anything else would be hell. Catholics believe what they do because Our Blessed Lord asked them to take up their cross daily and follow Him.