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Hitler's Aryan Race was a non-existent fictional group of people who track most closely with the Nordic group of Indo-Europeans. In Hitler's mind, the Aryans were the people who founded the German Tribes and were the forefathers of all of German culture. He held that these Aryans, who could be recognized by their distinct blue eyes and blond hair, were superior beings than other human races. He also appropriated symbols from the historic Aryans, like the swastika, for his Aryan Race.

Hitler perpetrated the Holocaust in order to remove all of the Non-Aryans from German society and create a superior society.

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Q: What does Aryan Race have to do with the holocaust?
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What was the race the Nazis beleived was supeirior during the holocaust?

The Aryan race

Who was the protagonist in the holocaust?

The protagonist in the Holocaust was Adolf Hitler. He was the leader of the Natsi Germans that believed in the Aryan race.

Who were the Aryan race exactly which part of the world did they come from?

The aryan race was a vision, by Hitler, or the perfect human. Tall, blonde, blue eyed people. The holocaust was the Nazis attempt of achieving this. The aryan race was never really a race but a vision, but I suppose you can say that they were from Germany.

What did Adolf Hitler call his super race?

The Aryan race.

How is the aryan connected to the holocaust?

Not at all really. The Aryan was Hitler's concept of homo-superior, the ideal being, eventually it would just become a term for German (and other nation's) gentiles. The Holocaust was about the elimination of Jews. Though it is true that eugenics, pseudo science was used to explain that Aryan's were better and that Jews belonged to a race and this race was genetically inferior. But this was all just part of the propaganda.

What was aryan supremacy during the Holocaust?

that is more of a post-Holocaust concept. But Hitler did believe in aryan superiority.

What are the best books about Hitler holocoust aryan race and experiments made by Joseph mengele?

The best book about Hitler, the Holocaust, the Aryan race and experiments made by Joseph Mengele is "Children of the Flames: Dr. Josef Mengele and the Untold Story of the Twins of Auschwitz".

What was the name of hitlers perfect race?

his perfect race was called the ayrian race

Aryans And Hitler?

Hitler idealised the Aryan race and believed that the Aryan race was the perfect race.

Who was advantaged and who was disadvantaged in the Holocaust?

The disadvantaged were all those of non-Aryan race in Europe. Hitler made up the Aryan race which were supposedly the most "pure of blood" than any other human on earth. The ideal Aryan had pale skin, blond hair and blue eyes. One main group disadvantaged were the Jewish.

What was hitlers perfect race called?

There wasn't a "name" for his ideal race of blond hair and blue eyed people.

What was the name of the superior race the Nazis wanted to empower?

The Nazis believed the "Aryan" race was the "master race".