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A flagellum is a type of lash/flail/whip that was used to ward off evil spirits; the flagellum Anubis carries is usually held in the crook of his arm.

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What is the threadlike structur that propel cells through liquids?

Flagella are the threadlike structures that propel cells through liquids. They are whip-like appendages that extend from the cell membrane and rotate to generate movement. Flagella are found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

Is flagellum plural?

No, Flagellum is singular, flagellais plural. The word flagellum is derived from Latin, meaning whip

What does flagellum have to do with Egypt?

The flagellum was a whip used by Egyptians

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The tail of a bacterium, known as a flagellum, is used for movement. It acts like a propeller, allowing the bacterium to swim and navigate its environment.

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flagellum=tails that help organism move In the reproductive system, sperm have flagellum

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The filament in a bacterial flagellum is made of a protein called flagellin. Flagellin forms the helical structure of the flagellum filament, providing the bacterium with motility.

What is the function of the short flagellum?

Short flagellum is concerned with substrate attachment.

Do all bacteria have flagellum?

No. Only some bacteria have a flagellum.

Which Egyptian god was associated with the ritual of embalming?

Anubis in ancient Egypt

What is the plural for 'flagella'?

Flagella is already the plural of flagellum.

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How do you use flagellum in a sentence?

The flagellum on the bacteria helps it to move through its environment by propelling itself with its whip-like tail.