In military time, 0800, or "oh eight hundred hours" would be eight o'clck in the morning (8:00 am). The military, and other parties, use a 2400 hour time, starting with 0000 or midnight until 11:59 pm (2359 hours). For example, 3:30 pm would be 1530. To remember it easily, just add 12 to whatever time in hours it is after noon.
it is pronounced "chee". Bow-ka-chee-oh
Osiyo oginali (pronounced, Oh-see-yo oh-ge-nah-lee ) means "Hello my friend." in Cherokee.
'Io non ti amo' is an Italian equivalent of 'Je ne t'aime pas'The subject pronouns 'je' and 'io' mean 'I'. The adverbs 'ne...pas' and 'non' mean'not'. The personal pronouns 'te' and 'ti' mean '[informal] you'. The verbs 'aime' and 'amo' mean '[I] am loving, do love, love'.The Italian phrase is pronounced 'EE-oh nohn tee AH-moh'. The French phrase is pronounced 'zhuhn tehm pah'.
Joan Miro is pronounced hwan mr-OHIncorrect: Joan Miro was from the Catalonia region of northern Spain where the "J" is pronounced as in English and is not an "Hw" sound as is more usual in Spanish. Therefore, the correct pronunciation is Jwan mr-OH.
I belive what you are trying to say is l'amour, this means love
8 in Spanish is ocho. (Pronounced oh-choh)
There are two words that can mean "ape" in Spanish. They are "simio" and "mono." Simio is pronounced, "SEE-me-oh." Mono is pronounced, "MOW-no."
it's pronounced Oy va-a-voy (אוי ואבוי) and means "oh and alas". It is usually translated as "oh no!"
Ogallala is pronounced "oh-guh-LAH-luh".
Okiya is pronounced Oh-kee-ya.
'Odysseus' is pronounced 'Oh-dees-ee-uhs'.
Monticello is pronounced as "mon-tuh-SEL-oh."
Pasta Fa-zul I think you mean fagioli, which is Italian for beans and is pronounced fadge oh lee, with the stress on the oh.
La radio means "the radio" in English. It is pronounced LA RA DEE OH
"Pio" is what baby chick say. In English they say "Chirp" Pronounced "PEE-oh"
(pronounced: oh vair' oh)
או (pronounced "oh")