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The Document containing the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution of the United States is the Bill of Rights.

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The English Bill Of Rights

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Q: What documents served as a model for the first ten amendments to the US Constitution?
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What was related to the Bill of Rights?

The first ten amendments to the Constitution

What is the purpose of the first ten commandment to the Constitution?

There are no "commandments" in the constitution , but amendments. The first 10 amendments are the Bill of Rights.

What does the United States bill of Rights consist of?

are the bill of rights composed of ? amendments 11-26 or amendments 1-10 or amendments 1-26 or laws passes in 1776 ? The first 10 amendments are know as the Bills of Rights

Can you just show pictures of the first ten amendments?

No because amendments are documents.

What is the Bill of Rights to the US Constitution?

The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the US Constitution.

What is it called when their is a change to the constitution?

Specific changes to the Constitution are called amendments. There are 27 amendments; the first 10 are called the Bill of Rights.

The Bill of Rights is the name of which document?

the Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution

What are the first five amendments rights not covered by the US Constitution?

All amendments are part of the constitution and covered by it.

What is the bill of rigts?

It is the first ten Amendments to the Constitution of the US.

What were the most important amendments in the constitution of 1973?

The Constitution (First Amendment) Act, 1974 was the most important amendments in the constitution of 1973.

What are the first amendments to the Constitution to the Constitution called?

The Bill of Rights

What section is the Bill of Rights in the US Constitution?

The Bill Of Rights is not an article in the constitution. It consists of the first 10 amendments to the constitution. One amendment is that people can say whatever they want to (freedom of speech). However, the law has limits. You can get in trouble for saying really bad words out in public.