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Prior to the late 1970s, when the USSR stockpile rose above the US, almost certainly they would have quickly lost. After that it is less certain.

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Q: What do you think would have happened if the Soviets had started a nuclear war with the us during the cold war?
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What might have happened if the Soviets had a nuclear war with us during the cold war?

then the war would have ceased to be cold.

How many nuclear missiles did the Soviets set up in Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

i know 6 SS-4 Nuclear missiles

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The soviets wanted to invade the u.s with nuclear bombs and destroy the place.

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Where was the conflict happening in Cuba during the missile crisis?

It was only a crisis, not a war. It's called the "Cuban Missile Crisis." Because it almost started a war with the Soviet Union; which was going to be a nuclear war. It took place as the name implies on the island of Cuba which is about 90 miles off the Southern tip of Florida.Cuba Maybe

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What island did the Soviets place their missiles during the cold war?

Well, for starters, the Soviets wanted to place their missiles in Cuba because of the USA's missiles in Turkey. As a result this became later known as the Cuban Missile Crisis and led ultimately to some reductions in (nuclear) arms by both sides.