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The victors achieved their ends, at least in the short term.

There was hideous loss of life and destruction.

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Q: What do you think the advantages and disadvantages were of the constant fighting among the Greek city-states?
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What do you think the advantages and disadvantages were of the constant fighting among the Greek city states?

The victors achieved their ends, at least in the short term. There was hideous loss of life and destruction.

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the end of slavery

What are the advantages of a single parent family?

Parents aren't fighting with each other. I would say there are scores of disadvantages for each advantage someone comes up with.

What were the Patriot's advantages and disadvantages in the Revolutionary war?

The advanteges were that they had the modivation of fighting for what they believed in. Disadvanteges were that thay had a much smaller army, they were short on suplies ( amunition,socks,shoes,jakets,ext....)

What are the advantages and disadvantages of single family?

You dont have to deal with your Girl Friend/Boy Friend or Husband/Wife. Your kid's won't have to deal with you fighting. Your kid's won't be crying ALL the time. That's all I can think or advantages.I really can't think of disadvantages.

What are the Advantages and disadvantages of a single family?

You dont have to deal with your Girl Friend/Boy Friend or Husband/Wife. Your kid's won't have to deal with you fighting. Your kid's won't be crying ALL the time. That's all I can think or advantages.I really can't think of disadvantages.

What are the advantages and the disadvantages of single parent family?

You dont have to deal with your Girl Friend/Boy Friend or Husband/Wife. Your kid's won't have to deal with you fighting. Your kid's won't be crying ALL the time. That's all I can think or advantages.I really can't think of disadvantages.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of single - parent family?

You dont have to deal with your Girl Friend/Boy Friend or Husband/Wife. Your kid's won't have to deal with you fighting. Your kid's won't be crying ALL the time. That's all I can think or advantages.I really can't think of disadvantages.

Advantages of fire fighting system?

fire truck

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What disadvantages did Britain have during the revolutionary war?

They didn't know the land they were fighting on as well.

What are some advantages the british had over the patriots in the revolutionary war?

fighting on own land, fighting because they wanted to not getting paid