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Q: What do you think that has the greatest effect on later civilization?
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I think the greatest ancient civilization was aryan civilization and specially persian . because they offered the first empire and political system to the international community and Cyrus the great was first one who wrote Charter of Human Rights . they never didn't allow romans come to the east . they were greatest

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Of course they could have children. How do you think their civilization survived?Of course they could have children. How do you think their civilization survived?Of course they could have children. How do you think their civilization survived?Of course they could have children. How do you think their civilization survived?Of course they could have children. How do you think their civilization survived?Of course they could have children. How do you think their civilization survived?Of course they could have children. How do you think their civilization survived?Of course they could have children. How do you think their civilization survived?Of course they could have children. How do you think their civilization survived?

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I would believe that cell phones had a greater effect on daily lives of Americans than anything else.

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the industry factor because it refers to any area of economic activity

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Maybe the war also many people were unemployed at a rate of 25%. The movies

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i dont know but i know that 3 is equal to 1 + 1