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Q: What do you call when in medieval when they throw their waste out the window and onto the street?
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What is the role of a middle ages street cleaner?

Street cleaner? They really didn't have clean streets then. In fact, they were muddy, full of animal and human waste, and anything else that fell on it. People would open their windows and throw the garbage out onto the street. If they were on a upper floor it fell on heads of people walking down the street. It was a pretty stinky time and frankly people had more to do to stay alive than worry about a clean street.

What did they call a bathroom in Medieval times?

There wasn't one so there was no name for it. It isn't until the 1800's that real restrooms will be built.AnswerLife was brutal then! But the area set aside for elimination of waste might be called the "jakes"- or in France, a "latrine". See the link provided below for photos of a Medieval latrine.

What did people in their middle ages do with their toilet waste?

The most common arrangement would be a latrine built over a cesspit. Chamber pots might also be used and later emptied into the latrine. A few buildings had indoor privies with chutes that emptied into a storage pit. Cesspits had to be periodically mucked out and the waste hauled away for use as fertilizer. Most medieval cities did not start to build sewer systems until the very end of the period. For example, Paris did not build its first section of sewer until 1370, and even then it covered on a small portion of the city. There is a common and often repeated belief that waste was simply thrown into the streets or the gutter, but this is not the case. Archaeological study has shown that latrines were the common practice.

Who were the Scandinavian invaders who disrupted the development of political institutions in the medieval west until the tenth century?

well, it depends you guys are searching up answers when you can go and read the book at the libray so don't waste your times you idiots read a book.

Where did people go to the washroom in castles in the medieval times?

There were no wash rooms in medieval castles. People washed in their bed chambers, if they washed at all, from containers of water brought by their servants. Castles were never intended for anyone to live their comfortably or for long periods, which is why knights mainly lived at their manors. Perhaps you meant to ask about latrines, which were usually built into the thickness of a wall, with access from the bed chamber or from the main hall. These had a narrow window without glass and a wooden plank with a hole in the centre - this was built to project out from the wall below so that body waste dropped down to land in a cesspit at the base of the wall (as at Dover castle) or into the moat (which eventually became a disgusting sewer).

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What are the precautions of land pollution?

*we should not throw the waste on the road. *keep the street road rivers in litter.

Did anyone in the middle ages have a sort of plumbing system or did they just chuck every thing out the window?

1st AnswerOut the window 2nd AnswerThere is a nice picture of a medieval latrine at the website below. If the "out the window" method of dealing with waste was ever acceptable to medieval people, there certainly were other ways available. The belief at the time, however, was that bad air carried disease, and so foul odors were something to be dealt with.

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it is allowed to throw a food waste overboard near the port

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they throw their waste into space . :D

How do you waste?

Flush it down the toilet, or you can throw it out.

How do you get rid of toxic waste?

Ughh..Throw it away?(:

What can you do to reduce the waste you throw?

reduce and re-use.

What are examples of songs?

all have just throw there waste..........

What are examples of Mindoro?

all have just throw there waste..........

What could you do to save the ocean?

You could reduce, reuse, and recycle. you can also pick up waste left from your pet. Never throw trash into the street and take used motor oil to a recycling center.

Was a medieval town clean?

No, this was because they had no laws against pollution or what they did with waste.

Why were medieval towns not so dirty?

They were very,, very dirty. No one knew about germs nor why people really got sick. They didn't have any sort of indoor plumbing. They just threw all waste into the street.