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In the 1st and 2nd centuries there were three types of armour: the lorica segmentata (laminated-strip cuirass) lorica squamata (scale armour) or lorica hamata (mail armour). Although the first one gave better protection, it was expensive and difficult to maintain and was later dropped. The third one became the main one. The manica (segmented armour) protected the arms. In the Republic soldiers wore metal greaves to protect the legs. They were less common later.

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13y ago

It depends on what time span you are referring to. The Roman army grew and changed over its long history. In the beginning leather armor was worn, then chain mail and then the segmented armor. Shields also changed their shape from round to oval to oblong. The cavalry also had slightly different armor. There were also several styles of helmets.

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11y ago

Torso armour: lorica segmentata (made or iron strips tied together with internal leather straps), lorica hamata (iron mail armour) and lorica squamata (scale armour with metal scales sown to a leather backing). The name lorica was coined in the 16th century. The ancient name is not known.

Limb arnour: manica, made of strips of metal along the arms.

Leg armour; greaves, made of metal plates.

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13y ago

a square shield, a strong helmet , chainmail (metal hoops attached together consecutively) and stuff.

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12y ago

they only had gold armor on there > arm and a golden helmet + a 6 foot tall shield u dumb retards

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Q: What do you call the roman army armor?
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What was ancient roman armor made out of?

they made armor out of peoples its true

Why did Romans make armor?

they made armor to protect the army for when they went to war.

How were ancient roman gladiators dressed?

They had armor.

Who was in te Roman army?

Roman citizens were in the Roman army. These were reinforced by auxiliaries who were recruited from the provinces.Roman citizens were in the Roman army. These were reinforced by auxiliaries who were recruited from the provinces.Roman citizens were in the Roman army. These were reinforced by auxiliaries who were recruited from the provinces.Roman citizens were in the Roman army. These were reinforced by auxiliaries who were recruited from the provinces.Roman citizens were in the Roman army. These were reinforced by auxiliaries who were recruited from the provinces.Roman citizens were in the Roman army. These were reinforced by auxiliaries who were recruited from the provinces.Roman citizens were in the Roman army. These were reinforced by auxiliaries who were recruited from the provinces.Roman citizens were in the Roman army. These were reinforced by auxiliaries who were recruited from the provinces.Roman citizens were in the Roman army. These were reinforced by auxiliaries who were recruited from the provinces.

What is the roman armor made out of?

Roman body armor, as all other body armor, was used to protect the body.Roman body armor, as all other body armor, was used to protect the body.Roman body armor, as all other body armor, was used to protect the body.Roman body armor, as all other body armor, was used to protect the body.Roman body armor, as all other body armor, was used to protect the body.Roman body armor, as all other body armor, was used to protect the body.Roman body armor, as all other body armor, was used to protect the body.Roman body armor, as all other body armor, was used to protect the body.Roman body armor, as all other body armor, was used to protect the body.

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What did the Roman soldiers call their army?

The Imperial Roman Army.

What did the Roman call their soldiers?

The Imperial Roman Army.

What was the Roman Army's armor made out of?

Tin, Steel, Iron, Leather,, metalthose were very stong materials that werent easly destroyed

In World War 2 what did the Germans call their tanks?

Like Americans, they call their tanks "armor"; in German armor is pronounced panzer. In the US Army (during the Vietnam era) an armor crewman was a tank crewman. A German tank crewman would be called a panzer crewman.

What has the author Hilary Travis written?

Hilary Travis has written: 'Roman body armour' -- subject(s): Equipment, Body armor, Army

What made the roman armies so strong?

Best weapons -------------------------------- Also the high discipline the the roman legions were very famous for, and the extensive training a legionnaire had to go through before joining the ranks of the army. Weapons and armor played a roll in improving the strength of the roman army as well.

What did the Roman army look like?

they only had gold armor on there > arm and a golden helmet + a 6 foot tall shield u dumb retards

What was ancient roman armor made out of?

they made armor out of peoples its true

Why did Romans make armor?

they made armor to protect the army for when they went to war.

Who made the army a professional body of soldiers?

Gaius Marius turned the Roman army professional.Gaius Marius turned the Roman army professional.Gaius Marius turned the Roman army professional.Gaius Marius turned the Roman army professional.Gaius Marius turned the Roman army professional.Gaius Marius turned the Roman army professional.Gaius Marius turned the Roman army professional.Gaius Marius turned the Roman army professional.Gaius Marius turned the Roman army professional.

What did the roman armor look like?

Roman armor was made of iron and was of two types. The first was of a chain link type and the second was of the segmented type. Contrary to Hollywood depictions, Roman armor was not shiny.Roman armor was made of iron and was of two types. The first was of a chain link type and the second was of the segmented type. Contrary to Hollywood depictions, Roman armor was not shiny.Roman armor was made of iron and was of two types. The first was of a chain link type and the second was of the segmented type. Contrary to Hollywood depictions, Roman armor was not shiny.Roman armor was made of iron and was of two types. The first was of a chain link type and the second was of the segmented type. Contrary to Hollywood depictions, Roman armor was not shiny.Roman armor was made of iron and was of two types. The first was of a chain link type and the second was of the segmented type. Contrary to Hollywood depictions, Roman armor was not shiny.Roman armor was made of iron and was of two types. The first was of a chain link type and the second was of the segmented type. Contrary to Hollywood depictions, Roman armor was not shiny.Roman armor was made of iron and was of two types. The first was of a chain link type and the second was of the segmented type. Contrary to Hollywood depictions, Roman armor was not shiny.Roman armor was made of iron and was of two types. The first was of a chain link type and the second was of the segmented type. Contrary to Hollywood depictions, Roman armor was not shiny.Roman armor was made of iron and was of two types. The first was of a chain link type and the second was of the segmented type. Contrary to Hollywood depictions, Roman armor was not shiny.