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A Greenlander, yes. But also a Inuit. In local, "Kalaaleq"

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Q: What do you call someone from Greenland?
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He called it Greenland. It was the name his father came up with.

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They are still called Haitians. where you are doesn't change your nationality, e.g. Someone born in Australia and moves to Greenland is still Australian.

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Eystribyggð (eastern settlement).

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What are the people from Greenland called?

There were people native to Greenland prior to the early Viking Settlement. Generally speaking, these are referred to as Inuits. Modern Greenlanders however, are simply called Greenlanders (at least in English.)

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I think you have Miller and Urey confused with someone else.

Is Greenland close to the Prime Meridian?

That depends on what you call 'close'. Greenland occupies the range of longitude between 12.14° and 73.02° west. So the only sure thing is that there are parts of Greenland that are 60 degrees closer to the Prime Meridian than other parts of it are.

Which is midnight country Norway or Greenland?

Greenland is not a country but an autonomous district of Denmark. Greenland stretches further north than Norway but I have heard Finland call itself "Land of the midnight sun" even though it too is further south than some of Norway.