A Mercenary
cavalryman, but he/she might have another name that his/her parents and or his/her friends call him/her. hussar, dragoon, cuirassier, carabinier, uhlan are all types of cavalryman. There are more...
A samurai is comparable to a medieval knight not just anyone can be one they have to be a descendant from another samurai and they have to train for years. A regular soldier is just anyone who was inlisted or joined the military.
the sas is the most elite fighting force known to man it stands for Special Air Service and it wasn't invented you dont invent a soldier you create a model of that soldier but anyway it was started in 1941
A sentry is a name for a soldier on guard.
There is no difference, well, if you know what I mean. You a male a soldier and you call a female a soldier.
A soldier?
A soldier
a sargeant
A Mercenary
A Mercenary
the other soldiers started tending to their own needs
He started running towards a little clump of bushes.