In Icelandic your grandmother would be "amma" and your great-grandmother "langamma".
One on-line translator renders it as "frábært amma" and "mikill-amma".
Your great grandmother's sister is your great-great-aunt.
The English language does not include a relationship called "great mother." It has terms "grandmother" (the mother of your father or of your mother) and great grandmother (the mother of one of your grandparents. The sister of your grandmother is your great aunt. The sister of your great grandmother is your great great aunt.
Icelandic, as in "Have you ever studied the Icelandic sagas?"
You add another "great" for each generation back in history. So the mother of your great great great grandmother is your great great great great grandmother.
You grandmother's father is your great grandfather and his wife (your grandmother's mother) is your great grandmother.
Your grandmother's grandmother is your great-great-grandmother.
your great great grandmother.
Great Grandmother
Your father's grandmother is typically referred to as your great-grandmother.
Your grandmother's mother would be your great-grandmother.
Your grandmother's mother would be your great-grandmother.
Answer: We would call Her your "Great Grandmother" ~ 1)your Moma's Mother would be your Grandma or GrandMother. 2) your Grandmother's Mother is your Great-Grandma or Great-Grandmother .. {1) you are your Mother's Child. 2) You are your Grandmother's Grandchild , and you are the Great Grandchild of your Great Grandmother....
Your great grandmother's brother is your great great uncle.
Gram? is that her grandmother if it is then it is your great grandmother
In Hindi, Great Grandmother = Parnani (mother's side) Great Grandmother = Pardadi (father's side) Also for reference, In Hindi Grandmother = Nani (mother's side) Grandmother = Dadi (father's side)
Your grandmother's brother's wife is your great aunt.