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they didn't eat clams at the first Thanksgiving

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βˆ™ 7y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

pumpkin pie, belive it or not. It all depends on what YOU eat on thanksgiving.

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Q: What do we eat now on Thanksgiving that the pilgrims didn't?
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What feast is shared with the pilgrims?

The feat shared with the pilgrims is what is now known as Thanksgiving.

Why is Thanksgiving observed now?

you celebrate thanksgiving because its to celebrate how the pilgrims discovered something.

Why do we eat corn on Thanksgiving?

We eat corn because it is healthy, it was a crop grown by the pilgrims, and the pilgrims ate it.

Why do people eat on Thanksgiving?

because it was something the pilgrims and indains shared so now we use it as a tradition along with other things.

What did the Pilgrims do on Thanksgiving?

They eat and visit with family just like we do now!

Did the Pilgrims hold the first Thanksgiving?

When the pilgrims celebrated their bountiful harvest, they did not realize that they were starting what was to become a yearly national holiday, but yes, we now consider their celebration the first Thanksgiving.

What year did the Pilgrims celebrate the feast that we now call the first Thanksgiving?


When did Thanksgiving start before the pilgrims?

No organized celebration of thanksgiving in the United States is recorded before the pilgrims gathered together to give thanks on what we now consider the first Thanksgiving. Though giving thanks is an option anyone can choose on a daily basis, it was the pilgrims gathering together to give thanks that started Thanksgiving in the U.S.

Where did gift giving started?

back when the pilgrims gave the indians the basket on what is now named thanksgiving day.

Who is the person that made up thanksgiving?

There isnt only one person who made Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving was created when the Pilgrims came to the Native Americans in America. They helped each other grow and hunt. They held a feast which is now known as Thanksgiving

Did the pilgrims eat sandwiches in Thanksgiving?

Yes; the native Americans brought venison for both parties, the pilgrims and themselves, to eat.

What do people eat now to celebrate Thanksgiving?

Still turkey.