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Q: What do these extracts tell us about Napoleons attitude towards the media?
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What was the attitude to the war in 1914 as reflected in literature and the media?

This question can be perceived in many different ways. In America, the attitude was ISOLATIONISM, but Europeans saw it differently. In Europe every able bodied man was anxious to answer the call to arms, and take part in what was said to be "The war to end all wars."

How does the media affect attitudes towards war?

I feel that , During WW1 and WW2 the media made an Image in everyones head that war was 'Fun' and that it was an experience not to be missed. But there were the few the believed war was not right , but the media was forced to say that 'all is well' on the front line to keep up morale So in conclusion the media made everyone think that war was OK and they were having a great time

What was the communist theory?

After the 1917th revolution, the Soviet Union was restructured with new political system based on the Marxist-Leninist principles. The newly formed communist party by Lenin shows much interest in the media which serves to the working class in the country and their welfares. So the Soviet originates a theory from Marxist, Leninist and Stalinist thoughts, with mixture of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel ideology is called “Soviet Media Theory” is also known as “The Communist Media Theory”. The same theory was developed and followed by Adolf Hitler’s Nazi in Germany and Benito Mussolini in Italy.Soviet Media Theory:Soviet media theory is imitative of Leninist principles which based on the Carl Marx and Engel’s ideology. The government undertake or controls the total media and communication to serve working classes and their interest. Theory says the state have absolute power to control any media for the benefits of people. They put end to the private ownership of the press and other media. The government media provide positive thoughts to create a strong socialized society as well as providing information, education, entertainment, motivation and mobilization. The theory describe the whole purpose of the mass media is to educate the greater masses of working class or workers. Here, the public was encouraged to give feedback which would able to create interests towards the media.

What role does the media play in educating the youth of France?


What does media mean in spanish?

Media means half, as in half of something.

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Major influences on attitude formation include personal experiences, social interactions, cultural values, media exposure, and cognitive processes. These factors shape our beliefs, values, and perceptions, ultimately contributing to the attitudes we hold towards various people, objects, and issues.

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