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Q: What do the terms black people and white people refer to?
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What are people called when their family is black and they're white?

Terms that are used to refer to a child who is white and their family is black are all slang derogatory terms: oreo, a zebra, a mulato, high yellow, and passer.

Terms such as mulatto and mestizo refer to?

Mestizo: son of Indian and white persons. Mulato: son of black and white persons.

Which of these terms is used to indicate keeping black people and white people legally separated?


Why are LAPD cars Black and White?

Because people refer to them as black and whites. so what other color would they paint them?

Why should you consider yourself black if im not all black?

In English, at the present time, there is no word for partly black. "Part black" is not a word for being half white and half black; it's a adjective. "Mixed" is as close as you can get. People that are half black and half white refer to themselves usually as "black", because, allegedly, mixed race people in this country are treated as if they are black exclusively. I don't agree but that's what most people say. To me, Obama is half white and half black. Most people, including the President, refer to him as black even though his mother was 100% white.

What are black sounds and white sounds?

In music theory, "black sounds" refer to dissonant or harsh sounds, while "white sounds" refer to harmonious or consonant sounds. These terms are sometimes used to describe the emotional qualities or tonal colors of different musical elements.

What are the meanings of 'boy' in slang or connotative terms?

It is a reference to white supremacy over black people aka black boys.

What color do we get when mixing brown black and white?

In terms of paint colors, we get a lighter and more neutral brown, usually a dark tan. In terms of racial categories, the color you will get from a mixture of "Brown", "Black", and "White" depends far more on the particular subcategories (ethnicities) within each race that you are mixing. (Brown, for example, can refer to people as diverse as Mestizo Hispanics to Hindustani Indians to Touaregs. Black can refer to numerous very different groups of Africans, Afro-Caribbeans, and Brazilians White can refer to groups as diverse as Swedes, Spaniards, and Armenians.) However, at the point of so much racial intermarriage, the progeny will not look distinctively like a member of any race.

Which comes first in terms of a color palette white black or black white?

On a color palette, it would be white then black. White is the absence of color. Black is a mix of all colors.

What is Irish black and white pudding?

"black and white pudding" refer to sausage. "black" pudding is also known as blood sausage; "white" pudding does not contain blood.

What is the definition of a race?

A contest of speed between 2 or more people. Can also refer to the ethnicity of a person such as black, white, asian, etc.

Do white people like black people-?

Yes, of course, the majority of white people like black people.