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Q: What do social conservatives believe that the government should do?
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Three opposing forces in the Russian government?

The three opposing forces in the Russian government were the conservatives, the social democrats, and Lenin's followers.

Which issues caused the greatest argument between progressives and conservatives during the late 1800's and early 1900s?

Some of the major issues that caused arguments between progressives and conservatives during the late 1800s and early 1900s included labor rights, women's suffrage, temperance (prohibition of alcohol), and the role of government in regulating business. Progressives believed in government intervention to address social and economic problems, while conservatives favored limited government interference and prioritized individual freedom and states' rights. These disagreements often led to heated debates and tensions between the two groups.

What is is a conservative?

A conservative is someone typically associated with the right-wing of the political spectrum. In the United States, for example, the Republican Party bases its platform on conservative ideology. Conservatives tend to believe that economic freedoms should come first over social freedoms in an ideal society; they believe in less government interference with the economy and fiscal responsibility among individuals in society. In terms of social ideology, a conservative tends to favor traditionalism, and therefore tends to reject modern social movements.

What is social conservatism?

Social conservatives believe in what is commonly associated with family values and traditions, and seek to protect those values through legislation. In the US, they are usually fighting against same sex marriage, abortion, and the declining presence of Christianity in society.

How are conservatives different than liberals?

Very briefly stated, here are the different beliefs of Conservatives and Liberals. Conservatives ideals are based on the belief in the capability of others and the attendant accountability i.e. personal responsibility. The individual, not the government, is responsible for individual actions. All government should be limited and be representative of the people. They believe in free market economy, individual liberty, traditional values and morals, and a strong national military for defense. The role of the government is to protect the freedom of the people so that individuals can pursue their own goals and desires. The emphasis is on the state to solve its own problems and for the individual to solve his/her own problems. Liberals believe in a strong government that acts to absolve others from accountability based on their belief that Americans generally incapable. Seeing people as incapable they feel compelled to protect promote equal opportunity for all people in the nation. It is the job of the government (state) to help solve social ills and to protect the civil liberties of all. Liberals have a strong belief in individual and human rights. The role of the government should be to protect and guarantee that no person is in need. Thus, liberals would accept governmental policies such as national medical insurance for all. Liberals emphasis the basic goodness of people and the need for government to help solve problems.

Related questions

What is an ultra-conservative view?

There is no one official "ultra- conservative" view, although ultra-conservatives do share certain beliefs and perceptions. Ultra conservatives generally believe the government should be as small as possible and tax the citizens only enough to provide for the common defense of our country. They usually also believe the United States should not be involved in world events any more than necessary for our own safety and well being. It should also be mentioned that in America, there are several kinds of ultra-conservatives. One kind is dominated by a particular interpretation of Christianity, and is very anti-abortion, as well as opposed to gay marriage. Some ultra-conservatives also oppose contraception and are against divorce as well. Other ultra-conservatives believe the government has no duty to provide a social safety net for its citizens, and this group opposes such American social programs as Social Security and Medicare. These ultra-conservatives believe private enterprise (churches, civic groups, etc), rather than the government, should take care of the poor and the needy.

What was the conflict between conservatives and radical social groups?

Conservatives typically advocate for maintaining traditional social norms and institutions, while radical social groups push for significant change and transformation of these systems. The conflict often arises due to differing beliefs about the best way to address social issues and create a more just society. Conservatives may view radical social groups as threatening stability and order, while radicals may see conservatives as resistant to progress and justice.

What is the principle belief of conservatives?

Conservatives feel that there should be less government interference.

Three opposing forces in the Russian government?

The three opposing forces in the Russian government were the conservatives, the social democrats, and Lenin's followers.

Conservatism and liberalism?

Conservatives and liberals are on the opposite ends of the political spectrum. Generally, conservatives believe in small amounts of government intervention - i.e., no government controlled businesses, a true free-market system, etc. Liberals, quite easily, are typically the opposite. A liberal will usually believe that some government intervention is unavoidable or necessary, such as social security, the recent aiding of financially unstable banks, and the even more recent public healthcare bill.

What was true of the equals rights amendment proposed in 1972?

Conservatives linked it with changing social norms

How do you appraise the role of modern government?

The role of modern government is a large debate and interpreted differently by people. Some believe that modern government should have a small role and let individuals run things. Others believe that the government should provide a social safety net.

What do religious conservatives believe?

They usually believe in outlawing abortion, oppose equal civil rights for women and homosexuals, support militarism, and oppose government social programs for the poor. They also believe that it is the state's obligation to enforce religious standards of morality, oppose sex education, the theory of evolution being taught in schools, and that the government allow public officials mandate religious practice (such as mandatory prayers in schools).

How were the Social Gospel and the Second Great Awakening similar?

both were led by social conservatives

Which issues caused the greatest argument between progressives and conservatives during the late 1800's and early 1900s?

Some of the major issues that caused arguments between progressives and conservatives during the late 1800s and early 1900s included labor rights, women's suffrage, temperance (prohibition of alcohol), and the role of government in regulating business. Progressives believed in government intervention to address social and economic problems, while conservatives favored limited government interference and prioritized individual freedom and states' rights. These disagreements often led to heated debates and tensions between the two groups.

What is is a conservative?

A conservative is someone typically associated with the right-wing of the political spectrum. In the United States, for example, the Republican Party bases its platform on conservative ideology. Conservatives tend to believe that economic freedoms should come first over social freedoms in an ideal society; they believe in less government interference with the economy and fiscal responsibility among individuals in society. In terms of social ideology, a conservative tends to favor traditionalism, and therefore tends to reject modern social movements.

Are more likely to believe in a smaller government and take more conservative stances on social issues.?

_____ are more likely to believe in a smaller government and take more conservative stances on social issues.