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Q: What do pilgrims need to take with them to the river ganges?
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Where would a funeral in India take place?

The River Ganges

What is the temperature in the river ganges?

The average temperature is between 10 to 15 degrees Celsius. Compared to India's burning temperatures ranging from 20 to 35 degrees, the Ganges is a cool and relaxing place for pilgrims to take a bath in as it relieves their skin with its comforting cool feel.

Why do hindus worship the ganges?

hindus go to ganges because it is holy river as it starts from gangotri and they think that it is spiritual and they wash all there sins they have done and they think by this method they can live a better life .

Why river Ganges is important?

the river ganges is supposedly the holiest of the "holy trinity" of rivers in India.(the indus,the brahmaputra and the ganges..).. and yes even though the banks of the river are completely filled with piles of garbage and there are hundreds of mutilated bodies floating in it... it is still considered to be extremely pure and it is a longheld Hindu tradition of washing away all of your life sins by dipping your self in the holy ganges.... that is if you are willing to take the risk

Is the river ganges important?

the river ganges is supposedly the holiest of the "holy trinity" of rivers in India.(the indus,the brahmaputra and the ganges..).. and yes even though the banks of the river are completely filled with piles of garbage and there are hundreds of mutilated bodies floating in it... it is still considered to be extremely pure and it is a longheld Hindu tradition of washing away all of your life sins by dipping your self in the holy ganges.... that is if you are willing to take the risk

Why is the ganges rivers important?

the river ganges is supposedly the holiest of the "holy trinity" of rivers in India.(the indus,the brahmaputra and the ganges..).. and yes even though the banks of the river are completely filled with piles of garbage and there are hundreds of mutilated bodies floating in it... it is still considered to be extremely pure and it is a longheld Hindu tradition of washing away all of your life sins by dipping your self in the holy ganges.... that is if you are willing to take the risk

How is pollution affecting other rivers in South Asia besides the ganges?

Pollution has affected the Ganges and the Yangtze rivers in many different ways. - The Ganges river is known to Hindus as a sacred river, so they wash their clothes in the river, take a bath there, put dead cows in (because cows are sacred to Hindus), put dead bodies in, and put their sewage and waste in. - The Yangtze river is full of chemical waste, trash, and sewage. It is very polluted.

Who attended a Hindu funeral?

they wear white clothes. first they have the body in there house and they do prayers to bless there soul then they take the body and put it on a woods and put more woods on top and then they burn it

Who were the 3 types of pilgrims?

Pilgrims are people that take pilgrimages, so therefore there are no types of pilgrims.

What are the uses of river Ganges?

They use it to take a bath ,and to remove their sins, and they lit a funeral pyre to remove their sins also. People also drink it although sometimes it can cause illnesses because the water is contaminated.

Which river to Hindus believe is special or sacred?

There are 7 sacred or special rivers:Ganga or River Ganges being the most important.River Yamuna / JamunaRiver GodavariRiver SaraswathiRiver NarmadaRiver SindhuRiver Kaveri or CauveryIn-fact, there is a Shloka that Hindus recite during they take bath.Gange cha Yamune chaiva Godavari Saraswathi,Narmada Sindhu Kaveri Jale asmin sannidhim kuru.It means:Oh , holy river Ganga,Oh, Holy river Yamuna,Oh , Holy river Godavari,Oh, Holy river Saraswathi,Oh , Holy river Narmada,Oh holy river Sindhu,And holy river Kaveri,I pray you to enter this water, which is meant for my bath.

Why are ther going to take hari to varanasi from homeless bird?

His parents believe that the water from the Ganges River will make him feel well. P.S. Homeless Bird is a really fun and sad book. -Skylar