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kick the robber in his balls;; lol or call the police( well u can't actually do that WHILE being robbed) so try to remember his appearance and then called the police after and then tell the police about the robber's appearance

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Your best course of action is to proactively not get into these situations. Be aware of your surroundings and the potential dangers therein. Know who is around you and their possible motives. Avoid anything that you perceive as dangerous.

In the event such cannot be avoided, the best course of action, as anyone who has been mugged in NYC can attest, is to do as the robber tells you. There is no shame in not acting heroic, as heroic action may lead to your injury or death, or the injury or death of another.

That being said:

A street rule of thumb though is "Worry about the gun you can't see more than the gun you can," and "Worry more about the knife you can see than the one you can't."

The logic of these is simple: A hidden gun is more likely to be used than the one in your face. While staring down the muzzle of a gun may be scary and potentially dangerous, the danger lies more in accidental discharge than any malicious intent. Those who pull a gun on you are using about all the intimidation they intend to use. This isn't to say the guy holding the gun is not psychotic and may use it anyway. Only you can call it at the time it happens. Again, there is no shame in doing as the robber tells you.

A shown knife by extension is more likely to be used than the knife being hidden. The psychology here is simple, and more practical. A hidden knife takes time to bring to bear, and most people in a conflict situation will forget they are carrying it. While a knife wielding assailant is more likely to use the weapon he has in all likelihood used before.

Personally, and from actual experience, no one is taking from me, regardless of the weapon they carry. I see any potential assault as life-threatening, and I will go down fighting rather than submit to anyone. Anyone who would accost me, with a weapon or otherwise, to my perspective, has the intent to take my life. I will not give that up easily, as has been demonstrated. So far, I've not yet acquired any knife or bullet wounds. (The last guy who pulled a gun on me ended up in a blubbering heap beside his car after wetting his pants.--This is by no means bragging, it only represents the facts.)

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Q: What do i do if there is a robber in my house?
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