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They call it 'Pre-history'.

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Q: What do historians call the time before history?
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What do historians call the time before?

They call it 'Pre-history'.

Were colonial historians prisoners of their time?

As far as both colonial and nationalist historians are concerned they were prisoners of their time to a larger extent.As both history being influenced by the situation. Colonial historians constructed history to justify colonization while nationalist constructed history to spread nationalism. How ever to a lesser extent both colonial and nationalist historians were not prisoners of their time as they write history using common sense,feelings ,objective and favour.

What is the definition of 'prehistory'?

'Pre', or before, and History form the word prehistory, so "Before - History" History is mostly a made up idea from humans, and it is written history that is "History" So yeah. Before written history, like the other answer to this question.

Why is it important for historians to study historiography?

To understand how the study of history has changed over time

What do you call a scientist who studies history?

A scientist who studies history is typically called a historian. Historians analyze and interpret past events, cultures, and social behaviors in order to understand the development of human societies over time.

Why do historians identify the beginnings of history with the beginning of writing?

Historians identify this time period in human history as the beginning of 'recorded history'. Writing allows us to express, explain, document and share the reasons why we do what we do. While at the same time it creates a record for others to use to learn and understand.

Are colonial and nationalist historians prisoners of their time?

to a greater out look, both colonialists and nationalist historians are prisoners of their time as they wrote their history being governed by the ruling elite governmentof their time, their history was so limited and mainly designed to promote and legitimise the ruling power of the time ,they did not write history just for the sake of writing but were being influenced by the prevailing situation of their time

What do you call a person who loves history?

People who study history are referred to as "historians". They generally specialize in a certain period, geographical region, or social phenomenon. Most of the time those who are referred to as "historians" have obtained a graduate degree in the study.

Why do historians apply spatial frames to study of history?

Historians apply spatial frames to the study of history because dividing history into periods allows historians to present events in order, a simple way of describing a general time period in history. Once evidence is gathered and evaluated, historians use it to reconstruct the past. They often begin by establishing a chronology, or sequence of events. Placing events in sequence helps determine cause and effect and reveals patterns over time. Historians also use evidence to analyze and interpret history. They seek to explain how and why things happened and to assess the significance of past events. Historians may bring their own point of view to their analysis of history. But careful historians try to ensure that the weight of the evidence supports their interpretation.

Who was time recorded before Christ?

Historians for the last few centuries have recorded time before Jesus Christ as BC and then the year.

What do historians rely on to measure time?

um that answer is incorrect. im a history teacher and it is calendars and dating systems.

How do historians decide what is important in history?

The way the world reacted at the time, and how much it affected things today.